Thank you for a successful Gala2022!
Your support of housing on Orcas Island helps maintain the character, vibrancy and diversity of our community.

Thanks to you, generous donations poured in.
Our Gala2022 has ended. We appreciate your support! We celebrated the roots of home and will continue to provide more housing on Orcas.
Watch this special thank-you video!
Watch OPAL’s Gala2022 Livestream
Maggie Vinson, OPAL’s Newest Trustee
Maggie grew up on Orcas and is very involved in the community. She is passionate about housing and creating solutions to help those who live and work on the island. OPAL is excited to have her on our Board of Trustees.
Help us house islanders by donating during Gala2022. Gifts at all levels – big and small – are welcome. Each person who donates $50 or more will be eligible to win a fabulous dessert.
Laurie Michael, Dedicated Volunteer
Laurie Michael is extremely generous and believes in giving back to her community. If you have donated to OPAL over the past several years, chances are her words of gratitude have found their way into your hands.
Watch the replay of Saturday’s livestream event to learn exciting news about Laurie.
No Dash Dessert Dash
When our Gala is in person, a highlight of the evening is the fun and delicious Dessert Dash. How do you do that at a virtual gala? OPAL has a solution! A “No Dash Dessert Dash”. We want to keep the tradition alive. Here Joe Brotherton explains how it works.
Joe and his wife Maureen own and operate the Doe Bay Resort and Retreat. They are longtime supporters of OPAL.
Many Thanks to Our Generous Gala2022 Sponsors